How we charge for playground inspections.

Our playground inspection pricing is based on the size/number of footings in your playground and its distance from us.
Trassig’s playground inspection pricing is based on the size of your playground and the distance from Bethel CT to your site. Typically, our fee for inspecting a medium playground space within an hour of our offices is about $450. When requesting a quote from us, please email pictures of the play area and your address. If pictures are not available, then outlines, footing blueprints, or 3-D renderings of the playground equipment are helpful. We will respond to your request within 24 hours.
We are also available for risk management consulting and audits throughout the U.S. Our certifications are valid nationwide and we have consulted to many entities that have reached out to us to manage their playground liability. We also conduct GMAX and HIC test nationwide. Get in touch with us to start the conversation about how we can help your organization. Call: 203-659-0456, text 203-200-7800 or email