We inspect playgrounds all over New England (We cover Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Rhode island, and Massachusetts). An experienced and certified playground inspector will conduct a thorough inspection of all playground equipment and safety surfacing to ASTM and CPSC standards. If there are any code issues, you will receive a written report with pictures listing all hazards prioritized in the following manner:
Priority 1 Safety Concern: Noncompliant safety concern that may result in permanent disability, loss of life or body part. Condition should be corrected immediately.
Priority 2 Safety Concern: Noncompliant safety concern that may result in temporary disability. Condition should be corrected as soon as possible.
Priority 3 Safety Concern: Noncompliant safety concern that is likely to cause a minor (nondisabling) injury. Condition should be corrected when time permits.
Priority 4 Safety Concern: Noncompliant safety concern whose potential to cause an injury is very minimal. Condition should be corrected if it worsens.
Priority 5 Safety Concern: The item has been determined to be compliant with the owner/operator’s operating policy and standard of care. Continued ongoing preventive maintenance is recommended.
The findings are shared with you only. We will not share your report with anyone else without your permission.
If there are no hazards, you will get a compliance letter for your records and any agency that asks for it. If any agency disputes had any prior conflicting reports, they can call us directly. We can explain the findings to them in a way they understand.
Following the report, you get a phone consultation (Included in the price) on how to remedy any issues that came up in the inspection. During the phone consultation, the inspector will also point out any issues that are compliant now but might be an issue later on and therefore they need to be watched or addressed.
Also included in your fee is one year of free consultation should you have any questions or concerns that might come up later.
We can also conduct if needed a drop test to find out if your safety surface has the right HIC and Gmax characteristics. This is an additional test that is not always needed, but talk to your inspector to find out if a drop test is needed.
Choosing the Right Inspector
There are a lot of companies, and even freelancers, who will claim to do playground inspections. There are several questions you should ask before you hire. You need to make sure that they are certified, familiar with playgrounds and can provide references for their past work. It is also important to ensure that playground inspections are done by someone with the proper insurance.
Contact us at 203 659 0456 or info@trassig.com for a quote or with any questions!