
Roofs are an essential part of many composite and platform structures due to the shade and basic weather protection that they supply, as well as for their aesthetic appeal. They are certainly a commonly found feature and therefore there are several ASTM regulations that need to be considered when inspecting and installing them.

They can be at any angle as long as the roof line (lowest edge) is greater than or equal to 84” over the underlying protective surfacing or pivot point of swing. Roofs over sings need to have additional clearance in order to account for the swing’s motion. The roof line needs a clearance of 42” in addition to the distance of the pivot point to the protective surfacing.

Designated Playing Surfaces

When roofs are integral parts of the play structure, it is important to ensure that children cannot use it as a designated play surface. Climbing around on roofs around the playground is dangerous due to the higher risk of a fall. Roofs that are less than 84” above a designated playing surface and are an integral part of the play structure cannot incorporate any designated play surfaces. Support members also need to be designed in such a way that they discourage climbing and cannot be used as a play surface.