Sand Boxes

Sand Box with weighted cover

Sand boxes spark children’s creativity. They let kids create and imagine things as well as play with their hands. It is good for children to play with natural materials such as sand and dirt. Angela J. Hanscom in Balanced and Barefoot says it helps for children’s sensory play. She says another way for children to explore new things and feel new textures is to have water near by. By mixing water and dirt/sand it gives kids the opportunity to create new things. They can create sand castles or simple mounds of wet sand. Sand boxes are a great creative play and can be a fun activity for a wide range of ages. They promote both social and independent play.

sand box cover

Sand Box with a weighted mesh cover to keep animals away


It is important to protect your sandbox. When sandboxes are not in use, they becomes a target spot for animals. If children are going to be playing in sand boxes and emerging their hands and feet in the sand, it is important to keep them clean. Animals can carry a lot of diseases and can make a mess of sand boxes. To keep the children safe from animals spreading germs in your playground make sure to cover it. At Trassig we use weighted sand box covers. These ensure that animals cannot get in and they are unable to lift the cover.


Check out our video on how to create your own weighted sandbox cover!


Sandboxes do not require any protective surfacing. This is because sand boxes are meant for children to sit at ground level. There feet should always be at ground level. Sand is considered an appropriate type of surfacing. As always, supervise children in any type of play. Make sure they are not ingesting any of the material.